(Thousand Short Tons)


     Year  Consumption Total Electric Utility1   Industrial      Coke    Residential / Commercial
2007 W 14,913 1,941 W 83
2006 W 14,194 2,031 W 27
2005 W 14,920 2,196 W 121
2004 17,165 14,882 2,178 W 93
2003 17,872 15,546 2,221 W 105
2002 17,646 15,417 2,152 W 77
2001 18,018 15,541 2,348 W 129
2000 16,951 13,524 2,348 W W
1999 15,802 12,427 2,230 W W
1998 15,857 12,300 2,368 W W
1997 15,273 11,605 2,500 W W
1996 14,983 10,994 2,613 W W
1995 13,378 9,543 2,585 W W
1994 12,792 8,670 2,838 W W
1993 13,584 9,447 2,863 W W
1992 13,418 8,661 3,592 W W
1991 13,980 8,568 4,301 W W
1990 13,105 8,228 3,756 W W



1 The electric power sector (electric utilities and independent power producers) comprises electricity-only and combined-heat-and-power (CHP) plants whose primary business is to sell electricity, or electricity and heat, to the public -- i.e. NAICS 22 plants

  • W = Withheld to avoid disclosure of individual company data.
  • Total may differ slightly from those listed elsewhere in this website due to differences in data sources.
  • Totals may not equal sum of components due to independent rounding.

  • Source:
  • Table 26Annual Coal ReportEIA.